Sunday, October 23, 2011

short studio description

Design approach:  Experimenting with origami techniques, generating abstract geometrical physical study models. Short introduction in rhino 5, experiencing digital modeling and manufacturing techniques. Production of a small physical prototype. Exercise 01: designing a small coffee bar, in relation to the previous research. Final project: Design a restaurant space, considering the results of the previous phases.

weeks 1-3: introduction, physical and digital origami techniques> production of 2 physical prototypes. Presentation on week 3.

weeks 3-6: designing a small coffee house, including, a fool set of drawings, a physical model and images in scale 1/10. Presentation with jury on the week 6.
weeks 6-12: designing a restaurant, considering the ideas of the two previous phases. Delivering a fool set of drawings, a physical model and 3d images in scale 1/10. Final presentation on week 12.